Q.Moving A Mature Cordyline
Hi, I have a Cordyline in my garden than is 20+ feet tall, and has been in the ground for around 18 years. We are looking to move house soon, and rather than see it dug up/chopped down and replaced with a driveway, I would prefer to sell it. Considering its size, do you think it is feasible for something so large and well established to be dug up, and do you think there would be any interest in it? I see a 9ft Cordyline sells for around £270. Any advice greatly appreciated!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It's a beautiful cordyline! A landscaper who had the equipment to dig it up and move it might buy it. I can't see a homeowner undertaking the feat himself. It would be a shame to kill it by digging it up. It may be too old and too tall to try to sell. Good luck!