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Mother In Law's Tongue

Q.Mother in law tongue

Zone 50510 | thedan added on January 13, 2016 | Answered

The leaves keep getting moisture in them and dying. The soil I replaced was dry. I repotted it and my moisture meter reads dry; however, more leaves fell off this morning. I assumed this was when they were over watered.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 14, 2016

Mother In Law's Tongue like to be root bound. They should only be repotted when the plant has outgrown the pot, and then only go up 1 pot size.
Use a well draining potting mix, you can even add some sand to a good quality mix to ensure good drainage.
Make sure the pot has an adequate drainage hold.
You can water the plant by placing in a tray of water so that all the roots get the moisture, but allow the pot to drain.
The soil should be barely moist, never soggy.
Sansevieria will droop when they have received to much water, not to little.
If the leaves are wrinkled, this would indicate to little water.
If they have suffered root rot, there is little to be done.
You can also try increasing the light conditions, plants can tolerate a lower light but will do better in bright filtered light.


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