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Morning Glory Plants

Q.Morning Glory Not Flowering.

Zone Aylsham | Penny101 added on September 23, 2023 | Answered

I grew morning lory from seed in a seed tray and planted seedlings out in a pot. They have flourished – leaves scrambling all over trellis – but have not produced a single flower. I’ve grown them before in a pot though in a different garden but this is a new problem. It is a sunny garden especially in the morning, and sheltered, but this pot is against a north facing fence.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 25, 2023

This sounds like an issue with soil that is too fertile. These plants become invasive in minimally disturbed areas, and poor soil. It may be that you will have to try again next season, or plant something that saps nitrogen fairly quickly. Mulch is another good way to leech nitrogen, as the mulch removes it as it breaks down.

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