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Morning Glory Plants

Q.Morning glories/no blooms

Zone 30344 - zone 7 | Jeffsdad added on September 11, 2016 | Answered

I planted morning glories from seed in early May, 4 1/2 months ago. There have been no blooms or even anything that looks like a bud. They have grown to a massive height/length. I have not used any fertilizer. Will they bloom after all this time or is it possible that they not bloom at all? I live in GA, zone 7. They are in full sun and we have had rain almost every week. I have never had them grow so prolifically.

Thanks, David M.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 11, 2016

This article will help you identify the problem:


The prolific growth combined with no flowers suggests that the plants are getting a lot of nitrogen, even though you haven't fertilized. Maybe there is leftover nitrogen from the year before, or nitrogen that migrated over from nearby fertilized plants? High temperatures can also kill flower buds so this is another possibility; in that case the plants may have delayed blooms in fall.

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