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Morning Glory Plants

Q.Morning Glories And Sun Flowers

Zone 49601 | Kimmimcd77 added on April 16, 2020 | Answered

Hello! I was hoping to ask someone’s opinion! I have some sunflowers and morning glory sprouts started, I plan to put them out front eventually(I live in northern Michigan) I have the fast growing sunflowers transplanted to medium peat pots, the morning glories are in their little Jiffy starter seed pods. I was thinking of putting the morning glories right into the peat pots, next to the sunflowers, so they can start to grow together with the morning glories climbing the sunflowers. Would this be fine so early, or should I wait until they’re ready to go outside?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 20, 2020

Sunflowers need to be started where they will finish. Starting them indoors will not let them reach their full height potential. Putting the highly invasive morning glory next to a stunted sunflower will likely resort in the morning glory taking over the area. I would keep them separate.

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