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Moon Cactus

Q.Moon Cactus care help

lizzy0499 added on May 3, 2017 | Answered

A while ago I needed to whip up some paintings for school, and decided that a moon cactus would make a cute little model. Thus, “Fluffy” was brought home and I finished my two paintings. Now, I want to focus on his health.

The first thing I noticed about Fluffy is that he was a subdued peach color, with a pale orange and yellow making up the colors on him. As of now, he has completely turned to the hot-pink I’ve seen with other of his kind.

Let me tell you now I know that he is actually a cactus grafted onto a stem. Whenever his soil completely dries out, I give him a good amount of water. Starting in April and until September, I fertilize his soil monthly. I do this with simple ‘succulent plant food’ from MiracleGro, it comes in a little pump like you’d find for hand-soap, and I disperse one pump into his soil — but I don’t know how good this is…
My first question is if I need to use a better fertilizer? If so, where can I get it and how should I give it to him?

We have him in a little blue glazed pot, but I was reading about repotting. Do I need to re-pot him? If so, how, and when do I do it? Should I use a specific other pot, who do I need to do this?

I also noticed that he has these ‘wounds’ on him… Parts of the cactus seem to be cut open and dry and white/a little brown on the perimeter. It also looks like a small hole has opened up on the top of the cacti, and he looks to be a little hollow. in some place, but there aren’t any white/tan welts like on other places. I think maybe my windowsill is too bright for him, though I try to keep him in the shade. Is there another place I should keep him? Is temperature a factor?

In addition, there seems to by white flecks on the cactus and the stem, but it looks more like watermarks than fungus or anything like that. Should I be concerned at all?

The main thing that I want to know about is grafting. Do I have to re-graft Fluffy to keep him healthy? How should I do this, what do I graft him to? Are there any reliable instructional videos?

Another thing about Fluffy, he has lots of babies. Ever since I’ve had him he’s got little cacti coming from him, and it looks like he may even be sprouting more! Is it bad for him to keep the babies attached to him? Do I need to graft them? If so, how do I know they are big enough, how do I do it, and do I need to do it again?
Is it possible that the babies may make him a little lopsided?
Some of the bigger babies seem to have white patches on them, but not to the extreme of fluffy himself. Most of the welts on Fluffy are on the top of him, and I think he might be getting burned from the sun on my windowsill…
Where should I put him instead, if this is the case?

I really want to know how to better monitor his health.
It does look like he’s doing okay for the most part though. There aren’t any large brown rotting patches on him or on his stem. He is a bright pink color, and his stem looks to be the same color since when we got him, it doesn’t seem to be rotting at all. It does have some white patches on it too though. But again, they really look more like water-marks. I notice it more after I fertilize him, and I think it may be coming from him being splashed a little by that or by water when I give it to him.

I’m sorry I don’t have any pictures of him for you, but I hope my description is enough.
If you’re going to respond, could you please try to answer all of my questions, and maybe even explain how you have the knowledge?

Thank you in advanced, Fluffy and I are awaiting a response!

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