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Bee Balm Plants


Zone 60446 | Anonymous added on July 30, 2018 | Answered

my plants look healthy but are not blooming. They were planted in the spring from 4″ pots and have grown to about 15″ but not one bloom. They get morning and then late afternoon sun. I’ve had these plants in the past with no problems and now am stumped. Should I cut them back? Thank you for any help you can provide.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 30, 2018

Sometimes perennials don't bloom their first year. The initial task is forming a hearty root structure that will take them through winter. Blooming drains a plant so is delayed until roots are firmly established. For annuals that bloom and die in one year, this isn't an issue. Make sure not to fertilize native plants as they are adapted to poor to average conditions. In rich soil, or if fertilized, there may be lots of top growth but few flowers. Don't cut them back as leaf surface for photosynthesis is crucial. Expect a nice floral display next year.

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