We live in a place where we have sandy loam soil. The moles and gophers are a problem, but in the past we’ve been able to control them. This year (we assume a mole) has tunneled into the garden and completely eaten two of our tomato plants from the root up. Nothing else could have done this because I had built a screen wire cage completely enclosed, including the top. Can you tell me what I could use in the garden area to repel these moles?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Here is an article that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/mole-control-home-remedies-for-removing-moles-from-your-yard.htm
In the past, we had mole problems but found that by putting an alarm clock (the old fashioed one which you wind up which has a big tic toc) into an old sweet tin ( wound up of course), dig a hole in his run and bury the tin, we have never seen the mole since