Q.Bubblegum and Moles
My pest control man said to put bubblegum into the piles of soil dug up from tunnels. Will this get rid of moles? I’ve tried poison peanuts and they don’t work.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I have never heard of using bubblegum before so I cannot say one way or the other as to its effectiveness. However, there are other things you could try. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/mole-control-home-remedies-for-removing-moles-from-your-yard.htm
Juicy Fruit gum works for me.
Hello, I'm certainly no expert, but I do have a terrible mole problem. I had heard of using Juicy Fruit gum for moles, so last fall I walked around my yard and dropped gum into every hole I could find, and it seemed to have worked! It no longer felt as though I was walking on a sponge. I didn't get around to cleaning up my flower beds until the last couple of weeks, and as I raked back the leaves I discovered mole, (or vole), holes everywhere!! I will definitely be using the Juicy Fruit gum again! I take a stick of gum, tear in in half, then roll each half into a ball. Drop a ball onto their holes and, or, carefully dig open a small hole into their tunnel you can see, drop in the gum, then cover the hole back, careful not to fill or cave it in. I hope this works for you...and me!