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Kentia Palm Trees

Q.Moisture meter for use in lava rock planting medium

Zone 93117 | Anonymous added on March 2, 2020 | Answered

We purchased a Kentia palm that was potted in Hawaii in lava rock. I tried inserting the moisture meeting I use for my indoor plants potted in regular potting soil but the meter wouldn’t go down and as I forced it the meter bent out of shape. Are there meters that are strong enough to be used in lava rock planting material?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 3, 2020

The pro model moisture meters have a thicker probe. Although I can't guarantee that your lava rock planting medium will accomodate a moisture meter at all if it's that tight or rocky or root bound. Be sure that it has good drainage. If any doubt, re-pot, because it is vitally important.


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