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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Mint plants

Zone Tijuana | Anonymous added on January 25, 2017 | Answered

I have been reading your info for several months and it’s been very helpful. On this occasion, I have a question about planting mint plants together.

I have chocolate mint and regular spearmint, each one in their own pot. But I was wondering if it would be wise to plant them together in a rectangular pot for for the window. I know both of them are invasive but would they overtake each other space? I am adding a picture of the container.

Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 25, 2017

We are glad you have found our site helpful and hope you continue to visit us!

There is no problem planting both of your Mint plants in the same container. Once established they can grow quickly, but you can easily keep them trimmed back to keep them tidy.
It is when they are planted in the ground that they become invasive. The roots will send out runners and Mint will pop up everywhere!
If you use containers outdoors for your Mint, lift the pot every so often to clip off any roots that may be extending out of the drainage holes.

Enjoy your new planter, isn't Chocolate Mint the best?

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