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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Miniature roses

Zone London | sarahyka2401 added on October 6, 2017 | Answered

So a few days after buying it, my miniature roses started exhibiting the following symptoms:

1. Prematurely wilting rose buds – the petals would yellow and eventually acquire a sort of crisp texture. Some of them also had stalks that started blackening. It started with the really young ones, but as you can see in the first picture, even the bigger ones are starting to have this problem (I swear this one happened in 1-2 days though) [refer to pictures 1-2]

2. The leaves are starting to yellow. Mostly the leaves in the inner part of the pot – I’ve been told this is normal for roses in winter, and I do think it’s because they don’t receive enough sunlight? [refer to picture 3]

3. Black marks on the roses – this just appeared today and it’s only on one leaf? [refer to picture 4]

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 9, 2017

Unfortunately only one picture came through. Growing roses indoors is tough. They light intense direct sunlight which is hard to reproduce indoors without grow lights. Any sudden change will cause a shock to the plant so it is hard to assess problems this soon after purchase. I hope you find this link helpful. http://www.rose.org/rose-care-articles/growing-miniature-roses-indoors/

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