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Bulb Care

Q.Miniature Bulbs

Zone 7a | Anonymous added on October 13, 2014 | Answered

Where is the best place to purchase miniature bulbs in northern VA? Also, when is the best time to plant them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 19, 2014

I'm afraid we'll have to narrow your question down a bit. What kind of flowers are you wishing to grow is first? You need to decide on variety first, because some bulbs are planted in the fall, some in the summer, some in the spring. Once you decide what kind of plant you want, you need to find out if miniature varieties are available. Then you can google "where to buy [whatever kind of plant you want] in northern VA [or your metropolitan area]" That will give you both online and local sources.

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