Q.Mini Parade Rose
I have a small parade rose bush that was beautifully growing in its original pot. There were lots of new growth and buds coming up. However, it got too big for its small pot, so I transplanted it to a larger pot and gave it fresh potting soil.
Now, the buds are gone and the new leaves that are growing are yellowish with a red lining around the edges. Why is this happening? Do I have a disease? Lack of nutrients? Any advice would help. I can take pictures of the leaves if it helps to identify the problem.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like it has transplant shock. This article will help:

Sounds like transplant shock but I would also look into phosphorus problems. Maybe make sure your transplant medium has enough phosphorus in it to sustain the grown system. Otherwise you get this really cool reddish tinge around them. No harm. I foul just a little slower grower