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Ming Aralia Plants

Q.Ming Aralia (Polyscias Crispata)

Anonymous added on September 1, 2011 | Answered

I had a plant like this a number of years ago. It gradually died after about 2 yrs. When disposing, I found the roots chewed off and some type of bug/worm in the pot. Just today I purchased a similar plant. It appears to be growing from bamboo like small branches. It is pretty and graceful. Is this the same as what I had years ago? And should I treat the soil with an insecticide?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 5, 2011

here is a link to ming care. it doesnt sound like that is the type of plant u have, they are not bamboo.but for any plant its best if you remove and throw out the old soil. u can rinse the roots with hot water. u can also treat the soil with epsom salts or rubbing alcohol,dish soap and water mix

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