Q.Mini Roses in Outdoor Pots Brown on End of Leaves
I live in Phoenix, AZ so I decided to grow miniature roses in a pot. I use a water meter to water them so don’t think I am over watering but the tips of the leaves are brown. One of the roses is getting new growth.

Brown tips on the leaves sounds like they are getting sun burned. The tips of the leaves are where such things show up first as they are the places where the bush has a hard time getting enough moisture out there to prevent burning in high heat conditions. You might try moving them to an area where they get a bit less sun and have some shade for part of the day for relief. Here is a link to an article that you might want to check out as well >>> https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/what-causes-brown-edges-on-leaves-of-plant.htm