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Milkweed Plants

Q.Milkweed in South Florida

Zone Deerfield Beach, FL, SOUTH Florida | Anonymous added on May 20, 2018 | Answered

Due to our very hot climate and strong sun, where is the best place to grow a milkweed plant? What are there water and soil needs? Most of our landscape is just sand underneath any soil we may put down. It takes a lot of soil and mulch on top of the sand to grow a lot of plants but some native plants will grow in the sandy/coral landscape. Please let me know what you think. I have a seedling (about 5 inches high) and I need to know where to put him so he’s happy. Should I keep him in a pot for a while? If so for how long?

Thank you,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 21, 2018

Every region of the US has different native milkweeds and the conditions they require vary by type. Here is an article that discusses the milkweeds native to the state. The one that is best for sandy soil is butterfly milkweed. All milkweeds have deep taproots so it is best to put your plant out as soon as possible in a sunny location. https://www.floridanativenurseries.org/info/why-plant-native/save-our-monarchs-plant-native-milkweed/

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