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Meyer Lemon Trees

Q.Meyer lemon tree in a pot

Zone Lombard, Il 60148 | traceyhayden added on February 15, 2017 | Answered

My Meyer lemon tree came inside for the winter. It’s not humid in my house and I didn’t water as much as in summer. It produced around 18 lemons but almost all the leaves have fallen off. Will more grow back or is my tree a goner? There are still some green leaves on it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 18, 2017

Check for signs of pests. Dry indoor temps can be damaging and pests can take hold.

Don't give up on your tree just yet, increase watering but allow the soil to dry between the waterings. Set your plant onto a tray of water to increase humidity.
If you don't see any signs of new leaves growing, they try the branches. Do they bend or snap off?
You can also scratch the bark to check for life.
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