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Meyer Lemon Trees

Q.Meyer lemon tree

Zone 06067 | Anonymous added on November 8, 2017 | Answered

Hello, I’m very new to gardening. Since I bought my Meyer lemon tree the leaves started falling off. I purchased a nitrogen based fertilizer but that did not seem to make a difference… now that it is cold outside I brought it inside next to a large window where it gets sun midday to sunset. Could this be a location issue? Is there anything I can do to get it heathy again?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 9, 2017

It is typical for Meyer lemons and other plants to lose leaves when they are brought indoors for the winter. The cause is the lower light levels.

Meyer lemons are more tolerant of lower indoor light than other citrus, but they still appreciate lots of light. Although you can never replicate the natural outdoor light indoors, the more light you can give the plant the better. Put it in your sunniest spot that gets the greatest number of hours of sun, and consider adding artificial light. Also cut down on watering and don't fertilize during the winter. Even if the tree doesn't have many leaves during the winter, it will recover when it is brought outside next spring.

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