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Alocasia Plants

Q.Maximum hight for Kris Plant Alocasia?

Zone London E17 | duncan.kardec@yahoo.co.uk added on July 2, 2019 | Answered

If kept in a small pot can they be kept short? My sitting room seems suitable, as I bought a very small half dead one from the supermarket. I did not know what it was, but I seem to have done something right because after a while it started to flourish. I have now identified it from your website. Now it already has 4 leaves, very bright and beautiful with a height of about 1 foot. However, I have no room for a plant higher than 2 feet maximum! Do you have any suggestions? I am unable to take a picture.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 3, 2019

You will likely not keep it below 3 or 4 feet tall. They reach a maximum of about 6 feet in nature, but you can shorten that by a few feet by keeping it in container.

There are some varieties that resemble this particular species very closely that are more commonly sold as houseplants, as this one is a little more endangered. The smaller species can be kept smaller, but if you know for sure that it is the particular species mentioned, then we can rule that out.

This collection of articles will go over some information in a little more depth: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/alocasia-plant

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