Q.Mature Jade plant drooping and soft branches
My heirloom jade is approx. 15 yr old and the trunk measures 8″ around. Once brought inside for winter the heavy branches become limp and droopy. I tie them them up with supports to keep the plant stable.
Is there something I can do to help the branches hold themselves more upright throughout the 8 months of indoor growth?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is what you will expect when you bring it inside. This happens due to the lack of light and also lack of humidity. If you can increase these, then you will likely see less of a problem in the winter. Unfortunately, this is just a natural response to the change in conditions.

Try giving it a good quaility grow light for 8 to 10 hours a day keep the light at least 12 inches away to prevent leaf burn. jade do not require a lot a water for overwintering unless you have really low humidity just a little water after the soil is completely dry. however use a good liquid fertilizer like fox farm grow big before winter gets here. Use only about half the recommended dosage. Hope this helps!