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Plum Trees

Q.marjorie plum tree . leaves dying

Zone SA1O8AW SOUTH WALES | hrholmes added on May 6, 2019 | Answered

The tree appeared healthy with foliage and flowering.Iadded BONEMEAL TOP FEED 3 WEEKS AGO AND THERE HAS BEEN PLENTY OF RAIN.Recently the leaves have been curling up and going black and very brittle.They collapse on touch.
there are yellow clumps of egge under many of the leaves probably greenfly which has affected the tree for many years

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 6, 2019

I couldn't see examples of the eggs, but there are many fungal infections that look like eggs. The rest of the tree does appear to have sustained a fungal infection. This can happen in places where there is a lot of rain, and very little time to completely dry out in between.

Such areas will require a little foresight for prevention. Using DOLOMITIC lime and WETTABLE sulfur together will be a good preventative, as well as spot treatment.

These may best be purchased online.

If the problem still persists in a year, then harsh copper fungicides may be in order. Consult with all local laws regarding the use of such products before using them.

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