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Tree Problems

Q.Maple tree leaves

Zone Aurora, IL 60506 | Betty Engen added on August 17, 2016 | Answered

Maple tree leaves on branches are drooped, edges curled under, and light green. They do have any spots or browning on the edges. We have hostas planted around base and have mulched under the tree. What is wrong with the tree? I don’t believe it is Maple Wilt caused by a disease because the leaves are not scorched around the edges or are turning brown. Please advise.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 18, 2016

The spots visible in the picture are commonly caused by tar spot, a fungal disease. However, this is not usually damaging to a tree's health:


The drooping leaves could be a separate problem, perhaps lack of water during the summer heat. Also make sure the mulch is not right up around or heaped against the tree's trunk, because this can harm trees:


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