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Maple Trees

Q.Maple Tree Branch Cut Infected?

Zone 94061 | MapleTreeHouse added on February 28, 2024 | Answered

I have a medium maple tree in the backyard of a home I recently purchased. One of the branches close to the ground has been cut not following the three point cut method. I don’t know why or when. Now I see the color of the collar to be different than the rest of the tree trunk. Is this infected? What can I do to improve the condition?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 28, 2024

This is a bark inclusion, where another branch grew out of the base, and through the other. It looks like the offending growth was infected or cut, leading to one at one time.

The rest of the tree looks ok, and if this continues then I wouldn't worry, immediately. Long term, however, this will weaken the integrity of the tree.

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