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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Many of my pittisporiums ar slowly dying, one branch at a time. What could this be and what should I put on them.

Zone 78703 | kwbrumley@aol.com added on July 4, 2018 | Answered

We have sprayed them with Neem oil but so far the leaves and branches are still slowly turning brown. What else should we do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 5, 2018

It is impossible to dianose and make recommendations without knowing more about the growing conditions and your soil and water management. Neem oil is not a cure-all and in some cases it is not appropriate treatment. Wrong dilution rate can cause burning of foliage.
Look first to water management, too much or too little? Too little is most common in cases of decline and die-back. If the plants have adequate irrigation, then consider fertilization and mulch. There are insect pests to consider.
Here is link to artiles on Pittosporum growing tips.

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