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Mango Trees

Q.Mango Plant Is Dying

Zone Vancouver, BC, Canada | Anonymous added on November 10, 2023 | Answered

My mango plant (Mallika variety) recently had what seemed like a mealybug infestation. I applied EndAll pesticide and 70% isopropyl alcohol, and now the bugs mostly seem to be gone. However, I notice that the leaves are browning and blotching as follows. The soil also seems ridden with bugs (see the white-ish layer at the top, though all soil seems to have lots of tiny insects). I just bought a greenhouse, new grow lights, and am monitoring the temperature of its indoor surroundings. I am not sure how to treat the mango, nor if it can survive. It used to be a rapid grower this summer and extremely healthy — I don’t know what happened and how to restore it to health. Thanks in advance for your help.

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