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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Mandevillas – aphids already?

Zone St. Louis, mo | Judie Blanke added on May 31, 2016 | Answered

I planted two mandevillas in large pots on my second floor deck. Seems every year, the aphids attack. They barely get 4 hours of morning sun but they manage to grow and blossom. However, every year the plants are attacked by aphids. I have had them since Mother’s Day and I noticed the leaves on the one that gets more sun is getting badly attacked. Of course, the newest leaves are the worst. It seems the leaves facing out a bit are the worst. Obviously, every year it is a hard, annoying battle that I struggle to keep the plants alive till the fall. I am sure they will be on the other sadly soon. What could be the reason for this every year? I sprayed them with just water today, then later insecticidal soap but that rarely works. I scrub the pots and use new soil. I am so sad, please help!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 1, 2016

Hi there. Aphids arrive in groups and invade very quickly. I buy an organic aphid killer spray. and go around every Sunday to check and, if needed, spray. The Same with slugs and snails I don't wait until they are taking over before doing something.
I learned from an Australian gardening radio program called "The Garden Clinic" to be PROactive in the garden rather than being REactive

If needed put the spray ready right beside the plant....

Good luck there

Humus in Brussels

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