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Fuchsia Plants

Q.maintaining Black Eyes Fuchsia

Anonymous added on September 12, 2015 | Answered

When I first bought my Black Eyes Fuchsia, it was full and beautiful. However, the day I brought it home, I hung it outside, which after about a half hour or less, the plant drooped terribly. It was then I read the instructions and found it wasn’t to be placed in high sunlight. I took in into the house and after a while (months) it attempted to blossom but it never fully recovered, though every now and again another flower will pop out. Is it possible to get the plant to come back to its original luster? It’s been inside since the problem occur, placed by the patio door. I feel sad that I may have destroyed this beautiful plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 14, 2015

While it does not like full sun, it does need sun. Indoors, te light is not the same as outdoors. Without enough light, the plant cannot bloom. Find a place for it outside where it gets partial sun or, even better, dappled shade. It should resume blooming once it gets enough indirect sunlight.

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