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Q.Maintaining Begonia Coppelias

Zone 19-21 | LRH added on July 23, 2011 | Answered

I purchased 6 beautiful 4″ potted plants and want to plant them where they will grow well. I have a north facing house where the front yard plants have only 6 hrs of filtered sun each day, or a side yard facing west that has 10 hours of full sun a day, with some shade from trees, adobe soil, which I continually extend and 90-110 degree heat from July thru Sept. In pots? Inside? Outside?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 24, 2011

My best suggestion (?) is to do a search for a Begonia Society for your area. YOu will get the best advice possible from them. An example would be:
Begonia Society, Tempe, AZ

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