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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Lumpy/Bumpy Zucchini Fruit

Zone Ontario | jd added on July 28, 2013 | Answered

My zucchini fruit is now developing an overall lumpy/bumpy exterior? Previously this plant produced normal (smooth) textured fruit? There are two plants to this mound and only one is now showing this deformed fruit? (this is an organic garden) Not sure how to upload pictures on this forum but will do so if I can. Appreciate any advice:) jd

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 29, 2013
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Answered on July 29, 2013

Thanks for the links, I have looked into both and suspect a mosaic virus but can not be sure. Although it does seem the closest explanation to date. I have sent a request to the administrators on how to upload pictures here but have not had a response as yet .... once I figure that out I will post a pic of the fruit to better explain the problem. I find it odd that there is only one plant showing this condition yet it shares (and touches) another plant on the same mound? Your help is greatly appreciated, thanks. jd

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Answered on July 29, 2013

Your zucchini may have been infected with a virus from insects.

If you need more assistance, you might take a sample of the abnormal squash to your local agricultural extension office for identification and recommendations.

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