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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Lots of leaves and growth but no fruit

Zone 99109 | ssmi26 added on January 7, 2018 | Answered

I planted vegetables in 4 big boxes inside my greenhouse last year. They were growing like crazy – beautiful flowers and lots of vines. However, I did get much fruit from the plants. We have very hot summers here so I used a shower curtain rod with a sheet over it to cover up the plants when the heat got too bad. There’s two doors and a vent which I opened all the time. I used soaker hoses inside the boxes and used a timer – set for 7:30 am for 10 minutes everyday. Don’t think it was too much water as the plants were growing great. I had a lot of yellow jacket bees too so not sure why the plants would not pollinate. I even used the Diva cucumbers that do not need pollination. Yet no fruit. In a matter of a couple days the leaves starting turning yellow and dying off. What could be the problem.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 7, 2018

What were you fertilizing with? I believe the culprit to be, either, underfertilization, or a really out of balance pH. Have you tested the pH of the soil? Adding dolomitic lime to the soil is the best way to regulate pH, and give it calcium and magnesium, which are usually lacking anyways. Especially in tomatoes.

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