Q.Lot Of Brown Leaves & Some Brown Or Rust Looking Spots On Snake Plant In Yard. ZZ Plant Okra Looking” Green Part With Brown Pi
nched piece after I cut off dead or broken branch. When I repot should I get rid of these completely When it got < 45 degrees a, I covered plants with sheet. How to salvage plants? Should I cut off dead leaves where the brown and green meet or pull plant out of soil and cut it off at root line then replant root? ZZ plant must be repotted since it broke out of pot! When I repot how should I manage the Old cut off “okra looking” pierces? Should I remove them from root?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can cut off the brown leaves where they meet green on the snake plant. Also cut off the brown spots. On the ZZ plant, when you repot, if the "okra looking" pieces pull out easily go ahead and remove them.