Q.Looking For Advice On Lawn Substitutes
Hello. I have an average, ¼ acre grass lawn, but I would like to begin working toward a suitable lawn substitute. I have dogs, no children, and the lawn doesn’t get a lot of foot traffic. I’m ok with bees, and would like to help them, but with dogs, I am a bit concerned about having too many of them. I am not in a position to remove the turf that is already there, at least not huge swaths of it. So I’m wondering if overseeding the grass would work at all. It’s just too big an area to remove the turf. About half of the front yard is part shade. The rest is pretty much full sun. I’m in zone 5b. I’ve thought about creeping thyme, chamomile, oregano and dwarf clover of some kind, but am open to other suggestions, either a single type or some combination.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are so many choices, I'm going to give you two links that will provide a series of articles about grass substitutes.