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Douglas Fir Trees

Q.Live Christmas trees

Zone L5N5A2 | Anonymous added on January 15, 2019 | Answered

I normally buy a tree that has a large girth, but this year I opted to buy one that was slightly smaller than what I usually buy. I noticed that this year’s tree stayed fresh and didn’t drop its needles nearly as much as all of my previous trees (all Douglas fir). Is it true that since the tree is smaller, the water better reaches the tips/extremities of the tree more readily than a larger tree, therefore it stays fresher/more moist? Thanks for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 15, 2019

This is mostly correct, but also has a lot to do with how much more respiration occurs in a larger tree. The exhale of all of its oxygen happens more when the tree is more mature, and this is the reason.

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