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Succulent Plants

Q.Little red bugs running around on succulents

Zone 02747 | Anonymous added on May 20, 2018 | Answered

Ugh, I’m so mad right now! I recently bought some succulents, 2 from a well know, but expensive, one person owned garden place. Then, I was directed to another place by a friend, saying they had succulents, and they tended to be a bit cheaper. I bought a 6 pack, which was all they had, w 6 different types of succulents in ea 6 pack, and tight there should have told me, don’t do it, not to mention, full sun, w leaves full of glistening water… And yes, burnt leaves! But, I thought, eh, I’ll save these poor things… Ya right! They were a MESS! Now tonight, while deciding how to break the mess up, and prepare for repot, I see…. These little red bugs, running around. I look up on line, and see spider mites, etc.. But u don’t see webs, I do see brown spots underneath some of the leaves, and I also see leaves that are shriveled. These things, tho, I can see literally running around the plants, they are small, very small! And fast! Now, I have had aloe and spider plants for years, and NEVER had an issue with any kind of anything besides me, not watering enough. I’ve had this succulent pack in my house for a week! And, now, I’m wondering, are they goimg to infest my other plants? I’m so upset! I’m not even a bug plant person, I don’t get a ton if sun, except one window, so my aloe is hanging, but my spider plants, were beside this infected plant, that I literally, picked up, saw 3 run across the tops and leaves, and tossed it in a trash bag, along w any leaves I had sitting waiting to see roots and babies grow, just tossed em all… But, now what? I want to cry! Lol! If they got to my big spider plant, or aloe, I’m gonna freak out! Lol! Please help, what in the world are these things, and why, and how?! I swear, I feel like they are everywhere! On my plants, my arms, lol, ughhh! I hate bugs, so, I’m not dealing well w this! Please let me know what I can possibly do to make sure they are truly going to be dead and gone and never to return! And, how to avoid bringing them home, ever ever again! Thanks so much, if u did, indeed, get this far!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 20, 2018

Neem Oil is a good treatment for pests. Neem Oil is organic and safe for people and pets.


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