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Fig Tree

Q.Little figs falling off

Zone Nevada 89015 | SallyF added on July 29, 2015 | Answered

Our patio fig tree drops the fruit while they are still very small, about the size of a large grape. It is planted in a container and sitting in the yard not on a patio. It gets watered every day but how deep should I water it and how can I tell if it’s getting enough? This is the first summer for the tree. The leaves appear healthy and green.

Thank You
Sally Freshwater

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 30, 2015

Most likely this is lack of water. Water until you see the water come through the drainage hole. Then when the first inch or so dries you will need to water again. Since your fig is in a sunny location you will need to water daily and even twice a day if the temperatures are above 85 degrees.

Here are a couple of links to refresh you on care requirements.


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