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Q.Little Dugald

Zone 4557 | Anonymous added on November 27, 2017 | Answered

Hi there,

I recently planted a Little Dugald hedge. The hedge flowered and was full, but after flowering the bottom leaves started to die off and now I am left with the top full of leaves and the bottom is bare. I dont know what to do to promote regrouth at the bottom. Improve overall health.

I would appreciate your advice.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 28, 2017

The dense foliage of Little Dugald, or Metrosideros, tends to shade the lower leaves and eventually kill them. To correct this, prune the shrubs with the goal of thinning out the foliage and letting in light to the bottom portions. For example, you could remove or cut back up to one-third of the branches until light reaches the lower levels; this will also hopefully promote growth of branches from further down.

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