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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Little 1 inch mounds of dirt that won’t dissolve with a tiny center hole

Zone Chicago suburbs | DIYBrian added on July 6, 2012 | Answered

I have hundreds of little mounds of dirt (about 1-inch high) all over my yard and below the grass line. It’s like stepping on stones. They won’t dissolve over time. Aerating the lawn in the past, the slugs are gone in weeks. When I break off the mound, a tiny hole is in the center. I have to super rub them down with boots to break it up. It’s as if the mounds of dirt are mixed with cement to make them so tough. I thought maybe ants as the hole is so small, but I figure the grass would be infested and I’d see them all over. Using the mower is an adventure in off roading and walking barefoot is impossible. PLEASE, WHAT COULD IT BE?!?!. Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 15, 2012

Sounds like it could be earthworms. With the dry weather, their casting mounds are not breaking up like they normally would. This article will help with the issue:

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