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Hyacinth Plant

Q.lime tree i thought was dead

Zone 77073 | marchw added on May 3, 2018 | Answered

i dug up my mexican lime which i thought was dead but i decided to put in pot just in case. all the limbs were dead . about a month ago there actually was some green that sprouted. i am pretty sure it is above graft because they are actually above the lowest little branch. how do i know for sure? i sent two pics to let you see. is it worth while for me to keep trying in this mexican lime. it has not been good since the beginning. just sayin. lol and could you guide me towards any of these sprouts i should prune to make it ok. looks like there is 4. should i keep them all or what ?
thanks for any help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 4, 2018

I honestly can't tell from the images if it's above or below the graft line. I think you answered your own question, 'it has not been good since the beginning'. I would seek out a new tree.


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