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Q.Lily of the Nile

Zone Niceville, FL 32578 | Anonymous added on February 25, 2019 | Answered

My lilies of the Nile have been planted for years. I live in North Florida. When we have a cold winter, I just cut them back and they come out again. There are some exposed dangling roots. Should I cover these with more dirt? Also, they don’t bloom much. What can I do to make them bloom more? They are in a part sun area. We have a sprinkler system and sandy soil. They get watered everyday in the summer.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 26, 2019

You will want to put a layer of compost and mulch over these once every year or every two years. This will replenish the nutrients in the soil, as this is what is likely causing them to not flower. It will also help with the aerial roots. This article will help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/agapanthus/agapanthus-plant-care.htm

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