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Oriental Lilies

Q.Lilies, African Daisies, Marigolds

Zone 8 | adh1983 added on May 3, 2013 | Answered

I have some potted lilies that are outside. About a week ago, we received a lot of rain, which we really needed. But after the rain, there was no sun. We haven’t had sun for a week now. And the temperature has dropped. And looking at the forecast, we won’t have any sun for over another week. I have moved the plants so they won’t get anymore rain. My concern is the lack of sun. What should I do to make sure that the thrive through these sunless days to come?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 3, 2013

Your lily plants will be fine is the sun doesn't shine for a while. They will still be getting ambient light that will keep them happy until the sun is out again. The rain should not hurt the plants unless they are in a container or soil that doesn't drain well.

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