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Lilac Bushes

Q.Lilac bush has never bloomed

Zone 21108, zone 7 | Anonymous added on May 5, 2019 | Answered

I planted 3 dwarf lilac bushes about 3 years ago. I don’t recall the species name. But I have two others that have bloomed every year. They are all in the same bed. The two that do bloom are different species. I thought it would be pretty to have 3 different species of lilacs. Please advise.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 5, 2019

As long as your shrubs receive full sun, they will bloom when a year or two older. Make sure they go into winter well-watered. The flower buds are formed in late summer/fall and can suffer winter damage if the shrub is dry when winter hits. Also, there is no need to fertilize but if you do, use a low nitrogen fertilizer. High nitrogen (could be from nearby lawn fertilizer?) encourages leafy growth, not flowers.

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