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Lilac Bushes

Q.Lilac Bush Color

Anonymous added on May 12, 2011 | Answered

About four years ago, my husband and daughters bought me a dwarf lavender lilac bush, really small only about two feet tall. When they planted it, the blooms were very traditional lavender in color. It has bloomed every year and has grown considerably and is now about four feet tall and bushy. We moved two years ago and took this bush with us, no effect to its growth or blooms. Last year it bloomed like gangbusters all over. I lightly prune after the blooms go away each year. It gets mostly full sun in its location. One really odd thing. This year it bloomed very lightly, only three blooms due to a late snow, and the blooms are PINK. Carnation pink. No joke. Could this be due to the late snow and next year the blooms will be the usual lavender color, or do they change color due to soil like hydrangeas? I’m baffled.

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Answered on May 13, 2011

I have never heard of a lilac changing its color. My best guess is that it was due to the late snow. Now we are both baffled. Hopefully someone else may be able to offer some insight on this.. Please post again next year and let me know what color it blooms !!!

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