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Lilac Bushes

Q.Lilac bush care

Zone 26003 | MaryJane McCoy added on April 13, 2018 | Answered

I just bought a lilac bush that’s wrapped in a plastic bag and has one small branch with a bud on it sticking out of the top of the bag.The bag is sealed tightly at the top. It’s sitting in my window in the sun which has made the bud start to sprout a litte. My question is, do I need to take it out of the bag and plant it in a pot so I can water it? The instructions say to soak it for no more than 2 hours but that’s for when you’re planting it I’m the ground. I’m worried that it will dry out before the nighttime temperatures outside become warm enough to plant it in the ground.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 13, 2018

You don't have to wait until your frost free date to plant lilac. I'm in zone 6 and my lilac has swelling buds just like yours. If you are in a zone where hard freezes are possible, planting it now will keep it dormant. If you want to keep it inside for awhile, pot it up in any standard potting mix. It helps if you dampen the mix with hot water before planting. Firm the soil as you add it then water again.

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