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Plum Trees

Q.Lichen On A 60 Yr Old Plum Tree

Zone Rehoboth ma | d_caisse added on August 10, 2023 | Answered

I have a 60 yr old plum. It’s in an area where sun and some shade both occur. This property was my father in laws. When he last remembered he had not gotten fruit in 35 years. 2 years ago I removed all the lower branches and dead branches and got 19 plums full size and delicious same thing last year but this yr. nothing but tons of lichen. There are new branches but everything is covered in lichen and these Spanish moss blooms. The lichen is fluffy and is coming off just rubbing it. This tree was laying on the ground for 2 years and I have a board propping it up in place. Is the tree feeding the lichen because there wasn’t any on the new branches 2 years prior.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 11, 2023

Technically, yes, but not how you would think. It is only feeding on the dead or dying parts of the tree, but it is a good indication that the tree is getting older and on its way out, unfortunately. Here is an article for more information:


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