Q.Liatris plants
Why are my established liatris turning brown at the bottom. It is only mid-July. These should not turn until the Fall. They have been watered by the Ohio rain and fertilized only once in Spring. They have been in the ground for 2 years and have always bloomed several times throughout the summer and have never turned brown at the bottom. Please respond asap as they are turning brown every day. I will cut off the tops to see if regrowth appears but I need advice quickly. Thank you.
I assume you are talking about the bottom leaves turning brown, not the flower spike. In truth, I don't know for sure what's wrong. It makes sense to focus on the roots/corms as the source of your browning leaves. I wonder if something is chewing on the corms. Moles/voles and that sort. Right now is a difficult time to lift plants to investigate but the decision is yours. Does your soil drain well? I know Ohio for its clay and with all the rain some parts have had, your soil may be too wet and rotting the roots or corms. I'm sorry I don't have definitive information.