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Leptospermum Trees

Q.Leptospermum scorpariums are dying

Zone Doreen Melbourne | Anonymous added on April 11, 2020 | Answered

I am seeking help A number of my Leptospermum scorpariums ( Manuka ) 70 in total and most are approximately 6ft in height that my bees feasted on The trees are slowly dying it is very hearbreaking to watch after nurturing them from seed in cell like trays . Initially I thought that the drastic weather changes and conditions may have affected them, however they are a hardy frost and drought resistant plant ,but slow growing I started to notice during the summer that the tiny spiky leaves were losing their color . Upon closer inspection the leaves were brittle stems were brown and this quickly spread to the rest of the tree After dissection I have found that the stems were hollow and brittle . The plants promptly died . Approximately half have died I have many manukas in various stages of growth a , now I am concerned I might lose them too if I plant them .

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 13, 2020

It could be Armillaria root rot. The only recourse is to remove the stricken trees to prevent its spread. We suggest consulting with a nurseryman or arborist for a definitive diagnosis.



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