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Lemon Trees

Q.Lemon Tree – Mites? Sap On Leaves And Small “scabs”.

Zone Carthage, NC | Anonymous added on February 8, 2022 | Answered

I have an indoor Meyer Lemon tree that I will move back and forth outside during Summer months and indoor in Winters. I have noticed that my leaves have this “wet” appearance on them, though, I can’t wipe them clean and it feels almost like a sap. I also have lots of these flat looking scabs all over the tips of the tree. It is like it is covered. Could someone suggest an option on what may be happening here? I have included some photos to try and show you what’s going on. I get the typical sprouting of flowers but then none of my lemons ever form and I feel my tree is well large enough to support lemon growth. I have checked for soil moisture and its fertilized twice a year. I get new growth and length but the lemons just fall off shortly after flowering. I am wondering if this is what’s causing them not to form.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 4, 2022
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