Q.Lemon tree blooming
My lemon trees started blooming (not whole tree, few on sides of tree). It is now winter season. What nursery tasks can I do now? I have given water sufficiently one month ago, so the soil has moisture.
West Bengal, India
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is common for citrus trees to do. They tend to bloom when under mild stress, such as the winter.
If the tree does not have access to pollinators, say because it is in a greenhouse, then you may want to do some hand pollinating to ensure fruit.
Other than that, you do not need to do anything beyond normal care for now. Once you see some fruit develop, water a bit more frequently and give the tree a LIGHT amount of fertilizer to support fruit development. If you over-fertilize, it could cause the tree to shed fruit.
Once the fruit get to about the size of marbles, check to see if you need to do some thinning on the fruit. Too many fruit growing too close together can make for inferior fruit.
this article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lemons/how-to-grow-a-lemon-tree.htm