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Eureka Lemon Tree

Q.Lemon Tree

Anonymous added on April 3, 2014 | Answered

My Eureka lemon tree, which has always produced large and plentiful fruits, has suddenly started to produce smaller fruit covered with light brown scale. Also, there are not many of them and not much blossoming. Please can you help?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 3, 2014

It sounds like you may have an issue with mites or scale bugs. The use of neem oil is very effective for treating these pests and is perfectly safe for plants, people, and even beneficial insects. Here is an article with more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm Once the tree is no longer stressed from the pests, it should begin to perk back up and produce again. You may also want to give it some fertilizer. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lemons/learn-about-fertilizer-for-a-lemon-tree.htm

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